Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday, Monday

We just returned home from a quick trip to Nashville where Daddy was presenting at a conference. These are a few pics of the "children" entertaining themselves in the car. Hoping to post more pics soon along with some thoughts that have been swirling around my brain! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Catching Up

Ok, maybe not totally catching up, but it's a starting point. A friend asked me today how my summer's been. I had to think about it for a minute. It's the middle of July already!!! It's just been a very strange summer! It's flying by, but I'm not sure why it seems that way??

Anyway, this picture is loooong overdue...Kearsten (KiKi) turned 20 years old on Father's Day. I sure love this girl!!! :o)

She wanted an ice cream cake, & when I went to pay for it, the guy asked if I wanted her name written on it. Now, seriously. I thought he would do some pretty cursive on an angle...Noooo...We got block letters straight up & down. If I had known that, I would have let K'Tyo do it! What are ya gonna do but laugh?

Kearsten's friend sent cupcakes from those DC cupcake ladies...she was nice enough to share!

I do not know what to say about this except that it's typical. ;o)

My Girls!!!! LOVE them!

Daddy with his kiddos...I think there's plenty of room for "Little K"!

Since the weather was not particularly wonderful, the Wii dance party got going.

Other happenings as of late...

Joe continues to work hard in his studies & is speaking at a national conference in Nashville soon.

All of our documents are turned in for our China home study, & we have another meeting with our social worker next week. Hopefully, it will be done soon so that we can feel like we're taking steps towards our Little K. (And one reason I have not been a good blogger is that when I'm on the computer, I spend most of my time looking for just the right "K" name, researching special needs, or reading up on all things China!)

The Yukon is gone. We are now rockin' a 12 passenger Chevy Express!

We've been trying to squeak in some fun stuff in the midst of the craziness. We had a good time at the zoo recently, & this past weekend, we had a fun visit to my parents' place on the lake. Hopefully, some pictures of that soon! In the meantime, here's a couple more to wrap things up:

Happy almost weekend!! :o)