Here's the final batch of pictures. If you didn't see the others & would like to, check out my last two posts.
When I look at these pictures, I am amazed at how our family has changed & grown in this last year. Just last night after Kam's basketball game, an elderly gentlemen stood waiting for me to come down from our spot in the bleachers. I was holding Kendi, & he said, "Did you adopt her?" Evidently, he & his wife had been observing us during the game & they were genuinely interested, so I took some time to share.
And then he said, "You must be very special people." This embarrasses me to no end, & I always try to fit into the minute I have left to chat the truth. The truth is that we are not "special". Quite frankly, I'm flawed, & there are days that feel like I get it wrong more than I get it right.
However, I do serve a special God. An awesome God who desires that every one of us not be satisfied with a life of "status quo" nor a life lived chasing the American dream. He has unique hopes & dreams for each of us. What I wanted so much for this man to see is that the only thing special about me is that I trusted God, said "yes" & allowed Him to begin a work in me.
While our family has changed drastically in the last year, understand that this journey began many years ago. This has not been an overnight thing, & honestly, it's an ongoing work in progress. And while the adoption of 3 children through 3 different avenues has been part of the journey, it's definitely not the only aspect of the journey. It's been about transformation.
The way I view my relationship with Him is different.
The way I view myself is different.
The way I pray is different.
My relationship with my husband & children is different.
My hopes & dreams are different.
Again, it's not always easy & it's definitely not perfect. But one thing's for sure: I will never be the same, & I don't want to be. And the reality is, even though I've come a long way, I know I've still got a long way to go. But instead of fearing that, I pray that I would be in anticipation of continued growth so that I can be & experience everything that He desires for my life.
And you thought you were just getting pictures. ;o)

I pray that 2011 is full of many blessings & that we recognize & seek Him in every moment.
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2