The love of chocolate.
Monday, June 27, 2011
For the Love of Chocolate
She may not have come from my belly, but this child has inherited something from me.
The love of chocolate.

The love of chocolate.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
This is Good
I reposted this from a friend on FB yesterday (thanks, Jenn) & decided it was too good to not post on my blog, too. It's almost 3 minutes of good stuff...take a listen!! :o)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Just Because
It's all coming back to me now.
A little over a week ago I was busy, busy, busy getting our LOI paperwork together to submit to China in the hopes of receiving PA for "Little K". So crazy.
And now I sit. It makes me crazy. I feel like I need to do something. Actually, I will either freak my social worker out or she'll think I'm just super on the ball, but I already have a pile of necessary "stuff" filled out & ready to go. Before we've had a visit or been given "the list".
Oy. I hope she doesn't catch on to my controlling efficient personality & freak out too much.
This part is hard. We're expecting. And we've seen her in pictures. But right now, all I can see are all the hoops & red tape in between us, keeping me from holding her.
But it is what it is, so instead of feeling yucky about it, I decided that I would post some pictures...just because. :o)
The Preschool Graduate (Ready for the big game, of course!)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
One Less
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and, with the help of God, I will do." ~ Edward Hale
I cannot tell you the exact day it happened, but it did. God began working on my heart about all the little ones waiting for a family in China. I was certain it was just me, but He was working on Joe, too.
And so, the wrestling match began. And the praying. And the wrestling.
And then the gift.
We have a daughter waiting for us in China. "Little K" has captured our hearts, & when we heard she "likes busy places with lots of people"...well, that's our family. God has already shown up in lots of amazing ways, but I'll save the details for another time b/c I know you just want to see our baby girl (especially you poor friends that I teased on FB!). And yes, she's still a baby as she's only 7 months older than Kendi.

I certainly hope that whatever she has in her mouth in this last picture was! (And I have no idea why the first pictures are so tiny!)
Thanks for sharing in our excitement!!
Please pray for us & for the daunting paperwork process that lies ahead. Most importantly, pray for our sweet girl, that her heart has hope & is already being prepared for her family.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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