Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Snapshot: Tinkle Princess

Disclaimer: My Sunday Snapshot is weak this week!! However, it does come with very exciting news...Miss Thing, yep, the girl is TOTALLY doing her thing with the potty. It took us all of two days & a tu-tu to bring about perfection. Seriously. The girl's got mad skills mixed with the fact that she was not about to mess up her tu-tu!

So, this is it. Really. I am quite excited, though, as we have been researching new cameras!! (Was that the Hallelujah Chorus I just heard??) I think we have it narrowed down, so I'm hoping to be stalking my children with it soon. Should make for some fun Sunday Snapshots to come!

Ni Hao Y'all


Unknown said...

Love it....and whatever it takes!! Lol, they do say girls are faster, don't they!!?

Hope your week is starting out well.

Love you!

Stefanie said...

Wow, I might just have to try a tu tu when it comes time for Miss Vivi to start potty training!
Thanks for the smile :)

Chris said...

Oh!My! That is the cutest picture ever!!!
I say whatever works when it comes to potty-training!!!
Yeah for tu-tus...who knew they had some many...ummmm.....uses!!!