Friday, February 5, 2010

Another Step Closer

Happy, happy Friday! Went to the mailbox today, & there it was...the "Golden Ticket"! We got our 171H approval today, which is the "favorable determination" to obtain a visa for an orphan we adopt from another country. I am so excited to receive this already since we just had our fingerprinting done on January 26th. I have been told by some bloggy friends that their states are a little (or a lot) pokey with the process.

So, this was some very good news today. We are becoming more & more anxious to travel to bring our little boy home. Word has it from some adoptive families that have just returned that our little guy is sweet, loving, & super smart with a good dose of ornery mixed in.

Now, we continue to wait for a court date..........


Kimmie said...


So happy for you Dardi


Adeye said...

wooohooooo....that is a HUGE stpe in the right direction, my friend. So much closer.

Rejoicing with you.

Amy said...

Congrats again- praying for that court date and so happy for your family!!!

Chris said...



It is always so exciting to take those 'steps'!!!

Any idea when you might be getting that court date???

Annie said...

yay for our local office! they are quick :)